A Time to Give Thanks

A Time to Give Thanks
What strange times we're living in ... and yet, if we have approached this period of lockdown with the right attitude, it might also be a time to transform ourselves. Yes, there are stresses, anxieties and uncertainties about employment and income, but one gift we are receiving is the gift of time. Time to pick up a long-neglected hobby, time to spend with loved ones, either in our bubble or through the marvels of technology, time to reassess our priorities, and time to strengthen our wellbeing through good routines, including regular, nourishing meals, regular exercise and good sleeping patterns.Time to just be.
For me, this has been a chance to make my home a sanctuary so I've been gardening, cleaning, baking, painting (a fence) and putting my devices aside for long periods! I've also been walking 5km a day and have started an online course in the use of native flower essences, something that's been on my agenda for a while.
My first case study is my grandson Lucas! He has a positive empathetic personality, is interested in others and is very intuitive. With lockdown his mum has been working from home, while his dad is an essential worker, and Lucas has not been attending daycare. Lockdown has brought out his negative personality and he's became self-centered, a poor listener seeking attention and sapping his parents' energy. He is fixated by his own troubles (wanting to be at daycare with his friends). I am using a flower essence – creeping pratia – to help balance Lucas and give him joy.
Using flower essences, especially ones that spring from our land, sits nicely alongside my work in astrology. If you're finding this unusual period overwhelming I'm happy to help with an astrological consultation by phone or email, and would love to hear from you.
Unfortunately, even at Alert Level 3 I will be unable to open my clinic – so have opened an online store, read more below. Hopefully the clinic will be open by mid-May, if all goes to plan, and we can move down to Level 2.
I am able to take bookings so don't forget that if you book a facial during your birthday week, you will receive a special gift. For all those under the signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini this will be a 15-minute foot and leg treatment using the gorgeous Ecococo coconut salts - choose from Vanilla (soothing and mositurising); Lime (brightening and tightening); Mango (repairing and reviving); or Lavender (relaxing and rejuvenating), as well as body polish and body butter. This is a beautifully indulgent treatment so as my personal gift I'm also including it in my Mother's Day Special, read more below.
You're always welcome to email me at any time and I thank those who have been sending messages. Some clients have asked to be contacted when I am able to re-open and if you'd like to be added to that list, please let me know.
I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible. Much love,